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OurSW-280Ccrawlermountedwaterwelldrillingrigwellreceivedbycustomers!-SongteЛидер одноостановного буренияпроизводитель буровых установок


Наша буровая установка SW-280C на гусеничном ходу для бурения скважин на воду принята клиентами!

Our crawler-mounted water well drilling rig has proven to be a top performer in the industry, having successfully drilled three water wells with outstanding results. Equipped with advanced technology and powerful drilling mechanisms, it easily penetrates even the toughest rock formations, reaching fresh water reserves deep below the surface. Its exceptional reliability and durability make it ideal for even the most demanding drilling environments. With its proven track record of successful drilling performance, the crawler-mounted water well drilling rig is a top choice for reliable and efficient water well drilling.

280m Мобильные буровые установки для бурения скважин на воду (СВ-280С)

This is our SW-280C crawler type water well drilling rig, 280m drilling depth, 140~254mm hole diameter, could work with mud pump for rotary mud drilling, also could work with air compressor for DTH hammer drilling, Высокая эффективность бурения, hot selling in Africa, Asia, Европа, South America Market!

280m Мобильные буровые установки для бурения скважин на воду (СВ-280С)

