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Libérer l’efficacité et la précision: La foreuse DTH intégrée SD-545

Libérer l’efficacité et la précision: La foreuse DTH intégrée SD-545



The SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig is a powerful and versatile solution designed for various drilling applications. Equipped with a built-in air compressor and mounted on a reliable crawler chassis, this rig delivers exceptional performance and precision. With a drilling capacity of up to 20 meters in depth and a diameter range of 108 à 137 mm, it has emerged as the preferred choice for open ore mining, Projets de centrales électriques, Carrières, and road building endeavors, particularly in the exploration of stone formations.

SD-545 Plate-forme de forage de trou de dynamitage sur chenilles Compresseur d’air intégré

Fournisseurs et fabricants fiables:

When searching for a DTH hammer drilling rig, it is crucial to collaborate with reputable suppliers and renowned manufacturers. The SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig provides access to a network of trusted suppliers and manufacturers known for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Whether you are looking to purchase a rig or explore options, these suppliers offer a range of choices to meet your specific requirements.

Efficiency Redefined:

The SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig sets new benchmarks in efficiency, making it an invaluable asset for drilling operations. Featuring a built-in air compressor, this rig eliminates the need for additional equipment, Rationaliser le processus de forage et optimiser l’efficacité. With precise control and exceptional maneuverability, operators can achieve optimal results while maintaining high productivity levels.

Applications dans tous les secteurs:

The versatility of the SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig makes it a valuable asset across various industries. Dans l’exploitation minière à ciel ouvert, it facilitates efficient extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Les projets de centrales électriques bénéficient de sa capacité à créer des bases solides, Garantir une infrastructure fiable. The quarrying industry relies on its drilling capabilities to explore and extract stone formations. De plus, road building projects utilize its precision drilling for the construction of durable and sturdy roads.

Unmatched Quality and Reliability:

Quality and reliability are paramount in DTH hammer drilling operations, and the SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig excels in both aspects. Crafted by industry-leading professionals, this rig boasts superior construction and engineering, guaranteeing exceptional performance even in demanding conditions. Its robust design ensures longevity and durability, providing operators with confidence in its reliability.

Solutions rentables:

When investing in a DTH hammer drilling rig, cost-effectiveness is a key consideration. L’engin de forage DTH intégré SD-545 offre l’équilibre parfait entre performance et prix abordable, delivering excellent value for your investment. Its efficient operation and minimal maintenance requirements contribute to overall cost-effectiveness, enabling you to maximize productivity while minimizing downtime.


En conclusion, the SD-545 Integrated DTH Drilling Rig stands as a remarkable solution for drilling operations. Avec son compresseur d’air intégré, impressive drilling capabilities, and broad applications, Il est devenu le choix de prédilection pour de nombreux secteurs. En investissant dans la foreuse à SRD intégrée SD-545, you can expect unrivaled efficiency, précision, et la rentabilité, ensuring outstanding results in your drilling endeavors.

