

La polyvalence des engins de forage d’ancrage en géotechnique et en génie civil

La polyvalence des engins de forage d’ancrage en géotechnique et en génie civil


Foreuses d’ancrage are powerful machines that are widely used in the construction industry for a variety of engineering purposes. These machines are designed to drill deep into the ground to create boreholes that can be used for a range of applications. One of the main uses of anchor drilling rigs is in the construction of deep foundation pit support and foundation reinforcement engineering in high-rise buildings. They are also used in the construction of large tonnage prestressed anchor holes and drainage holes in geotechnical engineering projects such as hydropower station engineering, chemin de fer, and highway slopes.

SA-168Y Plate-forme de forage hydraulique DTH pour ancrage de forages 100m

In recent years, ground source heat pumps have become increasingly popular as a source of renewable energy for heating and cooling buildings. Anchor drilling rigs are essential for the construction of these heat pump systems, as they are used to drill boreholes deep into the ground where the heat exchange can take place. These boreholes are typically several hundred feet deep, and anchor drilling rigs are the only machines capable of drilling them.

In addition to their use in deep foundation pit support and ground source heat pumps, anchor drilling rigs are also used extensively in the construction of soil nailing walls. Soil nailing is a technique used to reinforce slopes and excavations, and anchor drilling rigs are essential for creating stable and secure anchor points. Les plates-formes peuvent créer des trous de forage profonds, which are then filled with grout and steel reinforcement to create a stable mass.

High pressure rotary jet grouting pilot hole engineering is another application where anchor drilling rigs are commonly used. This technique is used to create a stable mass of soil or rock by injecting a high-pressure stream of cementitious grout into the borehole. The technique is particularly useful in gravel stratum, where traditional anchoring methods are less effective.

Anchor drilling rigs are also used in blasting hole engineering construction in open-air quarrying operations, as well as tunnel pipe sheds and other projects. They are essential for anti-floating anchoring, Renforcement des fondations de bâtiments intérieurs, Renfort de coulis à jet rotatif, Renforcement des fondations du barrage de fondation, and landslide prevention anchoring.

En conclusion, Foreuses d’ancrage are versatile machines that are essential in a range of geotechnical and civil engineering applications. They are widely used in the construction of deep foundation pit support, ground source heat pumps, and soil nailing walls. De plus, they are used in high-pressure rotary jet grouting pilot hole engineering and blasting hole engineering construction in gravel stratum. With their continued development and technological advancements, Les foreuses d’ancrage continueront de jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’industrie de la construction pour les années à venir.

