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SmallHydraulicDrillingMachineMountedonWheels(SW130/SW200)-SongteLe leader du fabricant d’engins de forage à arrêt unique

Plate-forme de forage de puits d’eau de type remorque/Plate-forme de forage de puits d’eau/

Petite perceuse hydraulique montée sur roues (SW130/SW200)

Produit:Small Hydraulic Drilling Machine
Profondeur de forage:130m/200m
Diamètre de forage :75-300mm
Pouvoir: 20/22Moteur diesel HP
Drilling technology: mud pump drilling
Application: forage de puits d’eau, irrigation well drilling, Forage de puits géothermiques ,civil well drilling, Exploration géologique, soil sampling, SPT test, core samples, etc.

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  • Détails du produit

Petite perceuse hydraulique montée sur roues (SW130/SW200)


SW-130 / SW-200 hydraulic drilling rigs are widely used for water well drilling, irrigation well drilling, Forage de puits géothermiques, civil well drilling, Exploration géologique, soil sampling, SPT test, core samples for mineral exploration, etc.

Main features:

  1. Hydraulic control system, Facile à utiliser.
  2. Mounted on wheels, Pratique pour le déménagement et le transport.
  3. Equiped with diesel engine, could be used in the place with no electricity.
  4. Equiped with different types of drill bits, ensuring it could drill on different soil conditions.
  5. Keeping bracket is installed on the hoist to form a double wheel support structure, can withstand the strong blow.
  6. Vertical box four couple of bearings positioned to ensure the rotary machine has a sufficient rigid response to gravel layer, the complex geological conditions.
  7. This drilling machine adopts national patent technology taper clutch, with characteristics of strong transmission torque, easy to operation, free to maintenance.
  8. 53×59 driving lever is adopted, high rigidity, strong delivery torque.

Paramètre technique

Main machine Modèle SW-130 SW-200
Profondeur de forage(m) 130 200
Open hole dia(mm) 260 300
End hole dia(mm) 75 75
Drill rod dia(mm) 42-60 42-60
Drill angle 90-75 90-75
Puissance adaptée(CV) 20CV 20CV
Dimension(m) 2.4*0.8*1.4 2.7*0.9*1.5
Fuseau Vitesse(r/min) 142/285/570 64/128/287/557
Caresser(mm) 450 450
Treuil Force de traction maximale(Kg) 2000 2500
Vitesse de traction(m/s) 0.41-1.64 0.12-0.95
Rope dia(mm) 9.3 /
Capacité du rouleau(m) 27 35
Mât de forage Charge nominale(Tonne) 18 18
Hauteur(m) 6.5 6.5
Pompe à boue Couler(L/min) 95 145
Max Pressure(Mpa) 1.2 2
Times/min 93 93
Inlet hose Dia(mm) 51 51
Outlet hose Dia(mm) 32 38

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