

Foreuses à percussion à câble: Connu sous de nombreux noms, Utilisé pour de nombreuses applications

Foreuses à percussion à câble: Connu sous de nombreux noms, Utilisé pour de nombreuses applications


Foreuses à percussion à câble are a type of drilling rig that are known by many names, selon la région et la langue. In the United Kingdom, they are commonly called cable tool rigs or percussive rigs. In Australia and New Zealand, they are often referred to as percussion rigs. In South Africa, they are known as Donkey Rigs. Quel que soit le nom, these rigs are designed to drill into hard rock formations and other materials beneath the surface of the earth using a heavy steel cable to lift and drop a chisel or bit.

The cable percussion drilling rig is a popular choice for many applications, y compris le forage géotechnique, forage de puits d’eau, Exploration minière, and environmental drilling. They are well-suited for drilling in urban areas, where noise and vibration from drilling can be a concern, since they generate less noise and vibration than other types of rigs. De plus,, they are often preferred for drilling in hard rock formations, where they can be more effective than other types of drilling rigs.

SP-8A Câble Percussion Forage Rig pour Gros Trous de Forage 300m

The basic design of a cable percussion drilling rig consists of a heavy steel cable that is attached to a chisel or bit, which is repeatedly lifted and dropped by a winch. As the chisel or bit pounds into the earth, the loosened material is removed from the hole by a bailer or pump. The winch is powered by a diesel engine or electric motor, depending on the rig’s design.

Foreuses à percussion à câble can be customized for specific applications by changing the size and weight of the chisel or bit, la longueur et la résistance du câble, et d’autres facteurs. This versatility makes them a popular choice for a wide range of drilling applications.

En conclusion, cable percussion drilling rigs are known by many names, but they all share a common purpose: to drill into hard rock formations and other materials beneath the surface of the earth. While their popularity varies by region and application, they continue to be a popular choice for drilling in certain geologies and for specific drilling applications.

