SA-20X SAL-20XFullHydraulicJetGroutingDrillingRig-SongteTheleaderofone-stopdrillingrigmanufacturer

مرساة جهاز الحفر/

SA-20X SAL-20X جهاز حفر الحشو النفاث الهيدروليكي الكامل

حاصل الضرب: جهاز حفر المرساة الهيدروليكي الوظيفي
عمق الحفر: 30~60m
قطر الحفر :90-165المليمتر
تطبيق: It is suitable for vertical or inclined drilling, could achieve directional jet grouting, swing jet grouting, rotary jet grouting construction for civil engineering, الهندسة الجيوتقنية, حفرة الأساس العميق, حفر حفرة مفتوحة, حفر الصخور, also suitable for anti-seepage treatment of various industrial, urban and civil buildings.

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  • تفاصيل المنتج

SA-20X SAL-20X جهاز حفر الحشو النفاث الهيدروليكي الكامل

SA-20X SAL-20X jet grouting drilling rig is full hydraulic top drive type drilling rig. It is suitable for vertical or inclined drilling, could achieve directional jet grouting, swing jet grouting, rotary jet grouting construction. Suitable for high pressure jet grouting operations on Quaternary overburden layers such as soil, رمل, زلط, الخ; It is also suitable for anti-seepage treatment of various industrial, urban and civil buildings such as subgrade, bridge, dam foundation, subway, basement of high-rise buildings, and water conservancy projects.

The drilling machine is suitable for various drilling processes and methods, such as spiral drilling (dry drilling), air down-hole hammer (pneumatic impactor) الحفر, air down-hole hammer follow-up casing drilling, الخ. Therefore, it has great adaptability to various strata and complex working conditions, and can effectively solve the problem of difficult hole formation when drilling in loose overburden strata, gravel layers, and broken bedrock strata, with a very wide range of applications.

The drilling rig can be suitable for drilling tools such as single pipe, double pipe, and triple pipe; Adding a swing injection module can achieve the swing jet grouting function.

The drilling rig has various chassis loading modes such as skid type, crawler type, which can be configured according to user requirements.

SA-20X SAL-20X Hydraulic Jet Grouting Drilling Rig Technical Parameters:

نموذج SA-20X (Skid type) SAL-20X (Crawler Type)
عمق الثقب(m) 30~60
قطر الحفرة(المليمتر) Ф90~150
زاوية الحفر (°) -90~-5
عزم دوران خرج رأس الطاقة (ن.م) 2800
Power head output rotating speed (دورة في الدقيقة) 0~17;0~40;53;70;130;170
سرعة رفع رأس الطاقة (م / دقيقة) 0~2.4;4.3;30
Power head feeding stroke (المليمتر) 2300 (drill rod 2m-length) 3500 (drill rod 3m-length)
ماكس. قوة الرفع (ك.ن) 45
ماكس. Thrust force (ك.ن) 30
قوة المحرك(كيلوواط) 22+4 (electric motor) 71ك و
ثقل (ك جم) 1800 3500
بعد النقل (m) 3.7 x 1.1 x 1.4 4.9 x 2.0 x 1.9
بعد العمل (m) 2.8 x 1.1 x 3.75 3.5 x 2.0 x 5.0

Hydraulic Jet Grouting Drilling Rig Worksite:

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